So I just got back on Sunday from camping at Clear Lake, and me and my cousin Hobz decided to make a camping survival guide. She’s drawing the pictures, so they’re still under construction, but I figure until I type up all the survival tips I’ll just run this in installments.
So here we go, and in no particular order:
$1 for 8 minutes?!? Or How To Survive Camping (Part 1)
- No matter what time of the day it is, if you’re in line for the shower you will hear very awkward things. The standards are: the male and female couple showering together, male only showering and moaning, and the ever popular screaming child and demanding parent.
- It doesn’t matter how many quarters you use to shower. You’ll be dirty again in five minutes anyway.
- Cheese in a can may sound disgusting, but pair it with some crackers and you have one of the best beach snacks ever.
- Board games are cool again! But once you’re out of the woods they become lame again.
- No one goes to bed until the campfire burns out, otherwise you run the risk of setting all of Northern California ablaze.
- Big fish always show up when no one else is watching. You may seem like the ‘boy-who-cried-wolf’, but you saw a giant fish and no one else did! So shut up and stop bragging!
- No matter your race, you turn into a redneck hillbilly when your camping because you get excited about “going to town!”.
- Personal hygiene goes down the tubes. If you loose your toothpaste, you can go without brushing your teeth for days: just pop in a piece of gum! Your hair tangles into knots and children’s faces turn grey. Just remember that skunk will always smell worse than you without deodorant.
- It’s easy to have a staring contest with a deer, but if you blink they will run.
- No matter how much time you think you have left in the shower, your quarters will always run out when you suds up for the second time.

Love ya!